Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas 2012

Dear Family and Friends,

We have come to the special time when we remember and celebrate “Emmanuel” – God is with us.  We hope that you will discover all over again how to be merry because of the Good News of God’s love for us.  Perhaps, we can all remember whose birthday this is and get  beyond the “stuff” that often distracts.  This is not just a holiday season; it is the Christmas season.  In that spirit, we say MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU!
For us, 2012 has been a good year.  We began the year, really, with our December visit to Cuba, our 2nd trip to this island land.  On the December visit we were able to attend a large Methodist Church in Havana.  It was quite an experience, and we have been influenced by that worship experience all year.  During 2012, we have also traveled to Australia, to New Zealand twice. Indonesia, and Mexico.
We have enjoyed our opportunities to spend time with both of our immediate extended families:  Cristi and her family, Jeff, Trevor, Alex, and Synnove live in Billings, MT.  Karen, Greg, Chris, and Maddie live in Sheboygan, WI.  We have watched our 5 terrific grandchildren grow at almost a startling pace this year.  It is fun trying to keep up with them.  They are all doing well in school and are involved in other activities including music, sports, and church.  Chris is applying to colleges for next fall.
We have seen lots of beautiful country this year, but the setting of our home near Red Lodge, MT is, for us, the most beautiful of all.  We are grateful for the opportunity to live right where we do.

Don and Nancy Hamilton