Friday, December 18, 2009

SNOW!!!! Impossible

Snow!!! in Paris. That’s impossible!! Well no, it isn’t. Improbable, but not impossible. Much to our surprise we woke up yesterday with snow on our slanted window. With a further check it was snowing quite hard outside and before long everything was covered with two/three inches of snow. The Eiffel Tower (which is about ½ mile away, as the crow flies) kept disappearing from view, curtained with snow flakes.

When I went out to walk I discovered that the snow was even deeper close to the river and away from the heat of the buildings. Cars and delivery trucks were slowing creeping along, but the motorcyclists were not faring too well.

Because of their light weight and little smooth wheels they were slipping and sliding in the traffic. I saw one slip over, but the driver quickly up righted it and parked it along side the road….to be picked up later!!

The groups of homeless men, who live in wooden crates off of a lower road to the river near us, were sitting at their table drinking something hot and enjoying their Christmas tree.

Other people were walking along quite gingerly leaving tracks in the snow.

Most people had a smile on their face and were trying to enjoy this rare occasion.

Even the neighborhood dogs were enjoying sniffing the white stuff.

The tourists loved the snow as they cruised along ON TOP of the boat singing their Christmas tunes.

I know this wasn’t much of a storm compared to what most of you have experienced in the last week or so, but it was a neat thing for us to be on the tag end of a gigantic European weather front…..which was very cold and nasty according to the weather reports. It’s beginning to look like Christmas!!!!!

(Remember that you can enlarge the pictures by clicking on them.)

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