Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Paris Beaches

Paris is crisscrossed with many streets and avenues of course, as any large city would be. If you were driving along the Seine there are streets above the river, some under ground bypasses and also some roads along the Seine itself. In the month of August, the vacation month, the city “fathers” provide a beach along the Seine for the Parisians who can not go away on holiday.

In two places along the banks of the Seine they close off traffic on the street and create a beach there. They bring in tons of sand, potted palm trees and literally change the road into a beach with a walkway to stroll. There are swimming pools, beachside cafĂ©’s, a concert stage, beach games, lounge chairs and, of course, sand to lie upon. With 3 kilometers in the main centrally located one, a lot of people can enjoy this area.

The other Seine beach is considered a bit more intellectual with free newspapers, wifi connections and art classes. There are boats anchored along the shore that offer musical shows at night, along with community dancing.

The third beach, located in a wide spot of a canal in Paris, offers more water sports with the beach. There are boats to row, kayaks to paddle, and pedal boats to use. There are even boules courts (a sort of outdoor bowling game) to try out.

As of yet we haven’t spent time on the beach, but I did take a few pictures to give you an idea of the layout. Where ever you are this summer, we hope that you are enjoying your “beach”, relaxing, and having a good time!!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a great effort. Can you imagine the outcry by the right if anything like this were tried in the US?
