Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wedding Ministry Ongoing

The wedding ministry of The American Church in Paris is going well. What a wonderful time I am having sharing with these couples. It is hard to even begin to explain how exciting it is to be able to focus so much of my time on weddings. The couple in this picture, for example. Jxxxxx, is of Dutch, French, and American background in his immediate family. Sxxxx, his bride, is Chinese American. We had over 100 people from the U.S. who flew over to share in this wedding, plus people from Bejing, Hong Kong, Tiwan, Holland, France, and more. On top of this, the Wiffenpoofs, the famous male chorus group of 14 selected Yale seniors, made their way to Paris while on a world tour to sing at this wedding. In addition, we had a solid Christian centered wedding.

This couple, Mrxxxx & Msxxxx, was also a delight for me to work with. The bride's father is from Peru; her mother is from Spain. They live in Paris. They also lived in the U.S. for a number of years, so Ms Mxxxx grew up in Spain, the U.S., and in France. Mr xxxx is an American. He has a European background but a couple of generations back. He presently lives in Arizona where he is learning to be a pilot. He and Ms Mxxxx met on Facebook! They both worked on the Obama campaign. Ms Mxxxx was also studying at a U.S. university at the time. As active workers, they were invited to attend the inauguration. Mr. Mxxxx put the question on Facebook inquiring where other student attendees were going to stay in Washington. Ms Mxxxx answered with the name of the hotel where she and some friends were planning to stay. Needless to say there was more correspondence. They finally met in Washington, hit it off, and went to one of the inaugeration balls together. On August 1st they shared in the Blessing of Marriage service at The American Church. Again, we had people attending from the U.S., from Peru, Spain, and from France.
Of course, every couple has a story. Don't we all?

This picture is one of the numerous Japanese weddings that I have had so far. I believe the number of family and friends who flew to Paris from Tokyo was 35. We shared 5 bottles of champagne in toasts, and only a couple had refills. Both sets of parents were present, and the bride's father walked her down the aisle. Her parents speak very good English, so I had a good visit with them. I believe that this is the largest group that I have had come from Japan. Usually it is only the couple or, perhaps, half a dozen family members. Most all of the Japanese weddings are read in English and in Japanese.

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